Celebrating National Send a Card to a Friend Day!

Today isn't just any ordinary day—7th February 2024 marks Send a Card to a Friend Day! And here at Letters of Hope, we're all about harnessing the power of handwritten letters and cards to sprinkle some kindness into the lives of those who need to know that someone out there really does care.

Why a Letter of Hope Matters

Let's chat about why this small act of kindness has a huge impact:

  1. Lifting Spirits: We all have days when the weight of the world feels a tad heavier. Sending a Letter of Hope is like gifting a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day—a gentle reminder that someone sees and hears you as you navigate a tough time. Letters of Hope letter recipients report a significant boost in mood after opening their letter.

  2. A Shoulder to Lean On: For friends who are navigating challenges, a Letter of Hope serves as a beacon of support and understanding. It's a reminder that they're not alone in their journey, and that a friend is thinking of them. It can be difficult to know the right thing to say when someone we know is struggling, so putting pen to paper is a great way to thoughtfully reflect on your words of support.

  3. Kindness in Action: In a world where kindness is like currency for the soul, sending a Letter of Hope is the ultimate act of generosity. It's a small gesture with immeasurable impact, radiating warmth and compassion with every word penned. Last year, 3 Letters of Hope letter recipients told us that their letter saved their life.

  4. Empowering Help Seeking: Sometimes, all it takes is a few words of encouragement to ignite that important next step. A Letter of Hope empowers friends to face challenges head-on and emerge stronger than ever before. Letters of Hope’s letter recipients report an increase in help seeking behaviours after reading their letter, noting that they are much more likely to reach out to a professional as a result.

Sending a Letter of Hope: Your Step-by-Step Guide

This Send a Card to a Friend Day, we would like to challenge people to put pen to paper and send a Letter of Hope to someone that they are worried about, or know has been through a challenging time.

Feeling inspired to brighten someone's day with a Letter of Hope? Here's how you can sprinkle a little magic into their world:

  • Choose Your Recipient: Think of a friend who could use a dose of sunshine and support. Whether they're going through a tough time or simply deserve a pick-me-up, think about who might need some hope in their life.

  • Craft Your Message: Settle into a cosy spot with pen and paper in hand, and let your heart spill onto the page. Share words of encouragement, reminisce about fond memories, and think about some words that you might have needed to hear during a time that you have struggled. Put yourself in the person’s shoes, and be guided by that.

  • Avoid Toxic Positivity: Toxic positivity is the belief that positive thinking or emotions are the only acceptable or moral response to any situation, even those that are negative, difficult, or tragic. It is the act of avoiding or denying someone’s negative emotions and it can be quite damaging because it may prevent emotional coping, processing, and acceptance, and actually be harmful to someone’s mental health and wellbeing as opposed to helpful. There is a difference between hopefulness and toxic positivity. Here are some helpful examples of toxic positivity and what you might say instead:

  • Add Personal Touches: Make your Letter of Hope extra special by adding personal touches that reflect your friend's unique personality. Whether it's a doodle, a favourite quote, or a cherished photograph, let your creativity run wild.

  • Share Helpful Supports: Include mental health support contacts and self care strategies in your letter. Provide the person that you care about with the tools and information needed to help them take that next step.

  • Seal with Love: Once your Letter of Hope is ready to go, seal it and address it to your friend.

  • Send It on Its Way: Whether you choose to send your letter via snail mail or deliver it in person, know that your act of kindness is bound to make waves of impact and a real difference to your friend.

Let's Spread Hope, One Letter at a Time

Let’s band together and spread hope like confetti on this special day. Let's be the light in someone's darkness, the anchor in their storm, and the reminder that brighter days are ahead.

Letters of Hope was founded in 2018, and aims to spread kindness, raise awareness and break the stigma around mental health through sending handwritten letters to those who are going through a tough time.

Through sending these letters, Letters of Hope shares helpful coping strategies, words of empowerment and connects those who are struggling with the support that could turn things around.

We truly believe in the importance of social connection, kindness and compassion as protective factors when it comes to mental health and wellbeing.


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